Saturday, July 4, 2009

Life Lessons...

that I have learned from Chloe...
1. always sit next to the person eating a popsicle
2. always, always, always lick the bowl!
3. playdough is super fun!
4. Mimi's bed is the most comfortable place in the world!
5. Swim...everytime the opportunity presents itself, and don't worry about getting your hair wet.
6. It's okay to get upset at your best friend, and still be best friends!
7. If you don't know, ask.
8. use big words...even it you don't know what they mean or use them out of context!
9. When you talk on the phone, always use a voice that makes you sound atleast 10 years older than you are!
10. If there is music, you must dance. No options!
11. Shoes are optional.
12. If your little sister is crying, push her all around the house in her high chair on wheels! (okay, don't do this one, she got in trouble!)
13. love to learn.
14. Its okay to make up your own words!
15. Always say exactly what you are thinking.

She has taught me so much more. She is such an interesting person. And, when she is not going through her "I am a four year old toot" phase, she is so fun to be around!

I love you Chloe!

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