Thursday, July 2, 2009

Beauty Shop

Chloe really missed her play vanity. It was in storage for a long time. Her first night at home, we decided to play beauty shop. I fixed her hair, then she fixed mine. She was talking to me as if she were a 25 year old salon owner!
Chloe: Hi ma'am, how are you today?
Me: Well, I'm good.
Chloe: okay...well, how are your "chirdren"?
Me: Well, they are doing good.
Chloe: good, is Chloe still pretty...

Ha! The conversation went on for a while, but I thought that was the best part!

Here is how I fixed her hair....

Here is how she fixed mine....

I got the better end of the bargain on this one!

Me: Chloe, why so many hair clips
Chloe: you silly, so it will stay!

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