Friday, May 29, 2009

Last Day.

Today was the last day of the school year for me. I have officially taught school for 7 years now. Hard to believe that my first year of teaching was 7 years ago. The kids I taught my first year are now seniors. Wow!
Today was filled with several emotions. I was excited to know that I will have a break. Time to rest and spend time with my Chloe and Trinity. Time to move into the house. Teachers need time away from the job, it could easily burn a person out! I was also sad to know that I am done being those kids teacher. I will miss my sweet girls who love to help and be at school. I will miss the crazy boys who compete for the funniest joke. I will miss the hugs, smiles, laughs, and even the times where I just want to scream! The students I taught this year were pretty cool! I am excited that I will get to meet a new group of kids next year and come to know them and enjoy them. I look forward to that.
The day ended with a major headache which was remedied with a little aleve and a pedicure! Mom and I always get a pedicure together as a celebration of the last day of school. Its a tradition!
Now, it is summertime! Time to play with Chloe and Trinity, take trips, sleep, barbecue, swim everyday, sleep, and stay up late( I am a night owl)!
Did I mention sleeping?

Oh! And Chloe and I are going to attempt making this really cute cake!

And This!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

ahhh! I've been such a bad blog reader lately and you've been such a good blogger! I love reading your blogs :) I've been doing my best to keep up even though I haven't commented much...

miss you!