Tuesday, January 19, 2010

looking Ahead!

Trinity doesn't speak in sentences....but if she did, I bet she would tell me that she can't wait to play in the pool at Mimi and Opa's this summer!
Chloe does speak in sentences, and she is already talking about playing in the water and planning her summer swimming party! Here are the details so far:
*You must wear a "belly swimsuit" to get in the water
*Adison's mom is bringing sandwiches
*Opa will suprise her with a slide!
*I am in charge of "lady drinks"
*Daddy is invited to get in the water and play with them!

Wow! I have some party planning to do...I better get on that!
Um, April, Chloe has you down for sandwiches! And, can someone please let me know what a five year old "lady drink" would consist of!

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