Wednesday, February 10, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

 I thought it would be fun to put together a list of some of Chloe's favorite things!
1. She sleeps with two of these ducks at night. When she was two she named that "rees" and that has stuck!
2. Chloe spends about 4 hours a day coloring! She is very creative! 
3. Chloe's hair is has been mentioned on this blog before! This shampoo and conditioner does wonders for her hair! Wonders!
4. Tap Tap! Chloe loves dancing...especially tap dancing!
5. Most people are 75% water...Chloe is 85% apple juice!
6. Chloe thinks that she needs to get to bed looking pretty...her words of course! She owns this nightgown...and many more much like it. This is something she has in common with her cousin Maddie...both are fans of the long gown!
7. I think she wears her tall black boots daily...and if its not the black ones its the brown ones! 
Her teacher told us the other day that she just loves Chloes boots...and that when chloe gets on the tile floor, she can "really work them!"
8. Sub Sandwich Lunchables...need I say more?
9. My iphone! Chloe has learned how to go the app store...find games she wants...and beg for them! If they are free i usually give in! She wakes up to playing on my iphone, gets entertained in the car by my iphone, and has to show it off to her friends that she can play puzzles on it! I am quite impressed at her technological capabilities!
There you have it...some of Chloe's favorites! 
up next: Trinity's favorites!!

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