Saturday, May 15, 2010

Trinity does the laundry!

A few notes on the video:
1. I do not make her do this, she enjoys it!
2. I posted this video so that someday when she says "I do all the laundry around here"...we can show her that she once loved to do laundry!
3. I realize that my laundry room is a scary place!...why do you think I don't go in there? ha!
4. If you saw underwear in the laundry room...I apologize
5. I would not let Chloe in the video because she was running around the house in her panties!
6. I know I sound dorky on video...
7. The "thing" on the floor by the laundry room is not a is a doll...i say this because it scared me!
8. Yes, Trinity is wearing a winter dress in the middle of May...its freakishly cold outstide!
9. How cute is she????

1 comment:

grits804 said...

PRECIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!! I mean SERIOUSLY PRECIOUS !!!!!!!!!