Saturday, September 19, 2009

This little baby....

Has a tummy ache. Poor sweet girl. She has thrown up the last two nights after she falls asleep. We have washed her sheets several times, along with several sets of pajamas, and plenty of blankets! Today she ran a fever of 100.3. The fever broke after some Tylenol and a nap. You can just look in her eyes and tell she doesn't feel good. She will stay with her Mimi tomorrow and then hopefully be ready to go back to Susans Wednesday! She amazes me...a little tummy ache and fever can't slow her down a bit!

But on a lighter note, she also got her first pair of shoes yesterday! Thank You Mimi!
Aren't they cute?! And they squeak too!

1 comment:

Maddy said...

OMG she is so cute!